I love these girls and their families! I have known the Hicken girls since they moved to Utah nearly fifteen years ago. I have loved spending so much time with them as I am also photographing their brother’s wedding next month. I have never felt so close to a family that wasn’t my own. Growing up I considered the Hicken parents my own. I spent many nights chatting with Nicole and her mom. I think the best late night chats happened while we were in Shirlene’s craft room listening to the hum of her sewing machine. I always loved being at the Hicken home because I always felt welcome there! Mama Shirlene has always given the best hugs and great advice!
This is my beautiful friend Nicole and her daughter Adalyn. Adayln is seriously a miracle baby as she had a pretty traumatic entrance into this world. A lot of prayers, faith and fasting were offered in the behalf of the Anderson family. Nicole has one of the most positive attitudes about her daughters health and really trusts in her faith. I really admire her attitude of gratitude and optimism. I am really sad that she moved to Missouri. I really hope that these years go by very, very fast. In the meantime I am grateful for Skype. Nicole, watch out it is time to set up a skype date soon!
This is Nicole’s little sister Chelsea. Chelsea has always had an extremely compassionate heart. (as do I think all of the Hickens) I love her little boy Andy. He has amazing blue eyes and adorable facial expressions. Chelsea and Brigham live in Alaska and it was great to see them in Utah! Chelsea started this adorable blog, A Chick With Sticks, to benefit one of the hospital guest houses. The guest house was a tender mercy for Nicole and her husband Talon, after little Addie was born. It allowed them to stay literally as close as possible to their daughter during her time in the NICU. Chelsea is nine tenths of the way to her goal of a $1000 donation. Please help her out and visit her blog and see her beautiful work and make a donation to such a great cause. 100% of profit goes to benefit various charitable causes. Definitely compassionate!
I love that I have crafty clients! First Carrie and now Chelsea. You ladies are amazing!
Nicole Anderson - SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
Chase & Yeon Mi. Married. » Belinda Olsen Photography - […] absolutely adorable in their wedding attire. You may remember seeing those adorable little ones HERE. The reception was held in the lower level of Sherwood Hills and Yeon Mi’s family took great […]
Cousins » Belinda Olsen Photography - […] cousins are adorable. You may remember seeing them a few weeks ago HERE. Today in honor of their grandma’s birthday I wanted to share part two of our photo shoot. […]